Idl 8.5.1

Due to the overwhelming amount of spam the group known as “comp.lang.idl-pvwave” has moved to:

IDL 8.5: IDL-Python bridge. One of the major features of IDL 8.5 is the two-way bridge between IDL and Python. This allows Python functionality to be accessed from IDL (Python has a lot of libraries for things that fall outside of the standard scientific routines found in IDL) as well as accessing IDL functionality from Python (call legacy IDL. JTO 10 JF 8 JF 9 JTO 11 NCF 5 JF 10 JTO 13 JF 11 JTO 14 JTO 15 JF 12 JTO 12 JTO 16 JF 13 JTO18 JTO 17 JF 14 JTO19 JTO20 NCF 6 JOT 21 NCF 4 Benewah Latah Shoshone Kootenai. An example of multiple inheritance. The inheritance rules may lead to unexpected results in the case of multiple inheritance. For example, consider the following IDL. I installed IDL 8.5.1 successfully on my MacOS Sierra 10.12.2 following the instructions from. M idl eou n t a M idle ou nta Black Mountain H ays tck Mou ni. 8 5 1 4 3 2 5 8 5 4 7 6 4 7 9 6 3 5 7 2 7 8 1 6 2 8U 3 1 8 2 9 2 5 2 3 8 8 5 8 9 6 9 1 9U 8 2 1 4 4.

Idl 8.5 Download


Idl 8.4

The details have been given by Wayne Landsman:

Happy New Year everyone. I have set up a Google Group (not a Usenet group) at!forum/idl-pvwave

You have to have a Google account, and press the button asking to join the idl-pvwave group. I hope this does not dissuade too many people on comp.lang.idl-pvwave from moving to idl-pvwave. The owners of the group (currently only me but I hope to add a couple of other people) will be able to see the complete Google email that you are using.

Idl 8 5 License

The main advantage of the Google group is that it should eliminate most spam. There are some minor advantages such as the ability to write rich text and attach files.

I gave up on the idea of a moderated Usenet group, in part because it would introduce delays to the postings, but mainly because the Usenet system is so broken that the administrators weren’t even sure if any new Usenet groups would be recognized by Google. (It would be nice to know why some unmoderated groups, such as comp.lang.fortran, are a relatively free of spam, whereas comp.lang.idl-pvwave seems to have become a magnet for spam. But I was not able to make any progress on this.)

I suspect that idl-pvwave might have some rough patches at the start, and I welcome any suggestions on how to improve it. –Wayne Landsman

Analysis Software

ELFIN data can be analyzed using the SPEDAS software suite, which stands for 'Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software.'

To access ELFIN within SPEDAS, you must download the “Nightly Build” version. Full instructions and links here: SPEDAS Download and Installation. There is also a developer blog and a wiki page with more detailed information on the suite and its use.

SPEDAS is a general-purpose software framework and Graphical User Interface (GUI), which includes code adapted from NASA's CDAweb and can download data from dozens of NASA space missions. It consists of IDL routines which read data in CDF format, as well as other less refined data sets. IDL routines can be used to download, open, analyze, and plot scientific data. For ELFIN, it can download Level 1 (L1) and Level 2 (L2) data quantities and also transform L1 data into L2 data. L1 data is raw, uncalibrated data in CDF format. L2 data is calibrated in physical units. These IDL routines were derived from those used by the THEMIS-ARTEMIS (TDAS), Cluster, Wind, Polar, and FAST missions. In addition to command line invoked IDL routines, the software provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for opening, analyzing, and plotting data. This interface was designed to facilitate use of the most useful IDL routines.