Star Wars Phantom Menace Game
Star Wars Phantom Menace Game Ps4
The Force is NOT strong with this one
Like the movie this is based on, this game is a far cry from the best that the Star Wars universe can deliver, and falls a long way short of classic titles like X-Wing or Dark Forces. It's a pretty bad game by any standards, being bland and lacking in thrills, with some of the blame being laid firmly on the shoulders of its inspiration and some just on unimaginative design choices. The plot here follows the movie quite closely and tells a stripped down version of the convoluted tale of the disturbance in the Force, a besieged planet and the tragic fall of a great hero. The gameplay here is a variation on the classic third person adventure, where you'll explore various environments based on those seen in the film, while battling familiar enemies and solving the occasional puzzle. You get to play as a few different characters from the film, which adds a bit of appeal, but mostly this is a case of running around, whacking bad guys with your light saber or blasting them from afar with a laser gun. This is perhaps one of the worst uses of the Star Wars license and is up there with Yoda Stories and Rebellion in terms of lack of quality. The visuals might have looked good back in the day, but have aged poorly and now just look ugly. The gameplay too is just overly simplistic and very repetitive, with unexciting combat and bland level design, while enemies are just lacking in intelligence. There are also issues with the camera and the controls, while puzzles are just as unsatisfying as the combat, thus making this a game to avoid and pretend it doesn't even exist.
Star Wars Phantom Menace 2006 Saga Collection Rep Been Action Figure #49. Star Wars Phantom Menace 1999 Episode I Basic Destroyer Droid Action Figure Battle Damaged Out of stock. Star Wars Phantom Menace Digital Collection Series 1 R2-D2, Darth Maul, Padme Amidala & Battle Droid Action Figure 4-Pack.
Star Wars Phantom Menace Game Download
PicClick Insights - STAR WARS Episode I The Phantom Menace FOOD PROMOTION GAME BOARD, Coupons, ETC. PicClick Exclusive Popularity - 2,347 views, 2.0 views per day, 1,203 days on eBay. Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace is a 1999 action-adventure role playing video game released by LucasArts and based on the film of the same title.The game is set in several different settings seen within the film, and contains heavy RPG elements alongside its largely adventurous action-oriented game world. The Phantom Menace brought the beginning of Anakin Skywalker’s journey to life from a slave on Tatooine to an eager Padawan of Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi.Whether you crave the adrenaline-fueled Podrace or the heart-racing suspense of Darth Maul vs. Qui Gon and Obi-Wan, the film contributes an entertaining look at the early stages of integral characters and major plot lines. Game mod - Download. The file The x86/x64 Setup is a modification for Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, a (n) action game. Download for free. File type Game mod. File size 26.7 MB. (last 7 days) 42. Last update Friday, September 18, 2020.