Mp3 Streams Kodi Error
Help needed to fix mp3 streams addon. The developer of mp3 streams uploaded 13 days ago a new mp3 streams version that fixed the play now feature (play all tracks of album). Unfortunately other errors occurred and he had to revert to the older version that crashes Kodi 18. He needs help to develop the new version so if you have programming skills you can reach the project issue here: Issues.
- Mp3 Streams Kodi Fix. Feb 11, 2016 - Install Kodi MP3 Streams today and start to browse its insane. After you do this, you will use Addon Installer to download MP3 Streams addon. Aug 18, 2015 MP3 STREAMS THE BEST MP3 MUSIC ADDON FOR KODI Oh Yes, no joking. I really think this is one of the best MP3 Addon for KODI. You can get it from the.
- The Cy4root Repository is working great, especially with its recently updated repo URL. This Kodi Repository is highlighted by the Mirror and Chucky video add-ons that both contain many great streaming links. Video: Mirror V2, Chucky, TvTap, SportsDevil, YouTube, Laplaza, Uranus, Clown’s Replica, MirRor V2, and more.
- Jun 23, 2021 Compatible with Kodi 19 Matrix! MP3 Stream, a top-notch third-party music addon choice for years, has always been, and perhaps always will be, reserved a seat on the top of most ‘best Kodi music addons' list – and it is not over-estimated but at all.
The Youtube Kodi addon is one of the biggest and most widely used dependencies on Kodi. Youtube is the biggest streaming websites on the internet and your Youtube Kodi addon is tightly integrated with hundreds of addons. Use our guide for Youtube Kodi FAQ about api keys, daily limit exceeded, settings, configuration, and making the most out of Youtube.
At face value, the Youtube Kodi addon gives you an interface to stream videos from the biggest streaming media website on the internet. The addon makes it easy for you to find, watch, and save Youtube content and videos.
A lot of popular Kodi addons also use Youtube as a dependency, passing off search queries to it as necessary. At the bottom of this guide is a list of addons which heavily rely on Youtube.
This guide explains other features the addon gives you and how to setup specific features.
NOTE: If you are reading this article on Husham’s website, he is a thieving cunt who scraped it from KODI TI Don’t visit his garbage website.
Youtube Kodi Addon Latest Version
Currently, there are two concurrent versions of the Youtube Kodi addon, depending on what version of Kodi you are using:
- The latest version of the Youtube Kodi addon for users running Kodi 15 or better is v6.7
YouTube Kodi Addon Features
Youtube Kodi v5
The following features exist in the current Youtube Kodi addon.
- Playback any stream available on Youtube, live or static.
- Access Youtube channels, search and save content for later viewing.
- Access ratings, subscriptions, likes/dislikes from within the addon
- Support for multiple languages
- Play videos in the highest quality possible or queue up a lower quality to save bandwidth.
Youtube Kodi v6
For Kodi 18 Leia, version 6 of the addon, it has the following improvements:
- Python 3 compatibility
- Ability to rate video right after watching
- Configure API keys from a web browser within Kodi
- New play route features for channel live streams
- Multi-user support
- Optimized caching for improved addon speed
- Added new playlists and folders to your account
The latest version of the Youtube 6 Kodi addon, v6.2.3 adds the following features:
- Add ‘Next Page’ to ‘More…’ -> ‘Add to…’ context menu
- Add icon and description to playlists in ‘More…’ -> ‘Add to…’ context menu in Kodi 17+
- Add ‘Play audio only’ context menu option
- Fix generated dash with no supported video streams being played when Audio only not enabled
- Fixed potential Runtime Error when retrieving total time of playing content
- Updated language strings
How to Install Youtube Kodi Addon Guide (official version)
- From the home screen, select Add-ons > Add-on Browser
- Select Install from Repository > Kodi Addon repository > Video Add-ons > Youtube > Install
- Wait for Add-on enabled notification
Mp3 Streams Kodi Error 8
If you’ve never manually installed the Youtube addon by yourself and are worried that some addons aren’t working because of that – don’t worry! Youtube is also a major dependency that is automatically installed by an addon that needs it. Addons that call on the Youtube API automatically perform these actions behind the scenes. You only need to install the Youtube Kodi addon if you want to directly use its functionality within Kodi.
How to Install Youtube Kodi Addon Guide (unofficial alpha version)
- From the Kodi main menu, navigate to SYSTEM > File Manager > Add Source > None
- Type the following EXACTLY and select Done
- Highlight the box underneath and enter a name for this media Source like “.neu”. and then click OK
- Go back to your home screen.
- ON Kodi 17 Krypton or later: Select Add-ons > Add-on Browser
- ON Kodi 16 or earlier: Select SYSTEM > Add-Ons
- Select Install from Zip File > “.neu” > and wait for the Add-on enabled notification
- Select Install from Repository > Kodi Neu Erleben repository > Video Add-ons > Youtube > Install
- Wait for Add-on enabled notification
Youtube Kodi Addons
The following addons use Youtube to pull live and static content. Click on each one to view installation instructions for each.
Live Tube
It is a lesser known fact that Youtube offers a ton of free live IPTV channels and content worth check out. From sports to video games to world news and entertainment, there are hundreds of live television stations to stream. The Live Tube Kodi addon takes all of those channels and puts them into an organized area for you to stream.
YouTube Vault
The YouTube Vault Kodi addon is a nice source for full movies and TV shows stored on YouTube and available to stream. The addon also contains music, news, sports, and other static content you can stream online in Kodi today.
Polaris pulls niche categories together into a single addon and most or all content is found directly from YouTube. From money saving ideas to karaoke to surfing to business ideas and sports replays, Polaris has a huge amount of unique content worth checking out today.
The FightTube Kodi addon is for those fans of mixed martial arts, boxing, and other combat sports. There are event replays, hype videos, interviews, historical documentaries, and other content loaded into FightTube and ready to stream today.
MP3 Streams
Nearly every single song and music video created can be found on YouTube. The MP3 Streams Kodi addon pulls metadata from the Billboard website and then redirects its search queries back to Youtube to play nearly every song in the entire world.
FDJ.HD from FrenchDJ is a massive Youtube addon focusing mostly on music content, concerts, setlists, and playlists in the EDM, techno, rap, rock, metal, alternative, and indie styles. As well, it has some other niche content such as documentaries, magic, stunts, and more. It is well organized with a ton of fully HD streams to check out.
Caught on Cam
The Caught on Cam addon has hidden camera and caught on camera content. It features embarrassing videos, pranks, and other popular Youtube Kodi channels. There is also a really good commercials area to check out as well.
If you like guns and survival content, then Grit is an addon you’ll want to check out. It features gun reviews, tips, historical content, how-to guides and other media for the alpha man.
What is your favourite Youtube Kodi addon? Let us know on Twitter or Facebook what you think!
How to Enable HD Videos in Youtube Kodi Addon
To enable the playback of HD videos in the Youtube addon, you MUST have InputStream Adaptive enabled. To do that:
- From the Kodi main menu, navigate to Add-ons > My Add-ons > VideoPlayer InputStream
- Click on InputStream Adapative and then select Enable.
- Select RTMP Input and then select Enable.
How to Setup Personal Youtube API Key
The Youtube Kodi addon is configured with a public API key and on occasion, you may have seen a “quota exceeded” error in Kodi. This means that too many people have used the public API key in the day and you are prevented from streaming on YouTube for the rest of the day.
To fix this quota exceeded Kodi error, you can setup a personal Youtube API key using the instructions below.
- Click HERE to visit the Google Cloud Console. Select your email preference (Yes or No, it does not matter). Select Yes to agree to the Terms of Service. Click Agree and Continue.
- Select Project > Create Project > Enter Project Name (the name does not matter) > Create. Wait until the next page loads with the the New Project that you just created.
- Click HERE to visit the Google API Library Area. Go to YouTube APIs > Select YouTube Data API v3 > Enable.
- Click HERE to visit the Google API Credentials Area. Select Create Credentials > API Key.
- Under Which API are you using? select YouTube Data API v3.
- Select the dropdown under Where will you be calling the API from and select Web Server.
- Under What data will you be accessing check Public Data.
- Click on What credentials do I need?
- Copy and Save the API key. You will need this later. DO NOT POST THIS PUBLICALLY. Click Done.
- Click on OAuth Consent Screen.
- Check the User Type of External and then click on Create.
- Give your application a name such as youtubeapi. Click on Save at the bottom of the page.
- Click on Credentials on the left side menu.
- Select Create Credentials > OAuth Client ID.
- Select an Application Type of Other and give it a name of youtubeapi. Click on Create.
- Copy and Save the Client ID and the Client Secret. You will need these later. DO NOT POST THESE PUBLICALLY. Click OK.
- Back inside of Kodi, go to the YouTube addon > Settings > API > Click Enable Personal API Keys > Enter all 3 Keys > Click OK
- Then, Sign Out and after Sign In again (with the normal 2 x web activation). After a successful Sign In to the YouTube addon you should now be using the Personal API Keys that you created.
Let us know on social media if you need any help!
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