Generate Hash Key Android Application Facebook
This is simple process to generate Hash key and we already create lots of time but again we forget that how to generate Hash key ? Even i am stupid one of them and again throw same query in Google. But Now i remember whole the process to generate hash key. When you start to create new Facebook application for android they ask Hash Key to validate your application.
- Generate Hash Key Android Application Facebook Messenger
- Generate Hash Key Android Application Facebook Pc
- Generate Key Hash Android Facebook
Most of the time user confused to generate Hask key and Key Store , They confused that from where to start ? It mean which path should be use to generate key?
From what I know, I think this might be a problem of single sign on, and I think this is somewhat related with generating proper application hash key, and using the hash key in facebook application which I used to log into the mobile app. Please guide me how to create the hash key. I am running ubuntu 10.4. When I run this command in terminal:-keytool -exportcert -alias.keystore -keystore /.android/.keystore openssl sha1 -binary openssl. This is what Facebook requires get the generated hash '.= ' and copy the key hash to your Facebook developers app settings. Use the above method to generate the key.(Just create a debug apk and run the command pointing to it.) After spending couple of hours on this.
Generate Hash Key Android Application Facebook Messenger
How to Generate android (Facebook ) Hash Key ?
Step 1 :Download OpenSSL for Windows
Step 2 : Open the drive where you have install JDK. ,(in my case that is C:)
Step 3 : Extract your Open SSL zip here in root directory (in my case C:Program Files)
Step 4 : Copy : JAVA > JDK 1.7.0_25 > bin
Step 5 : Open Command prompt , Start > Run > CMD
Step 6 : Now CMD will show User’s location (in my case C:Userschintan >_)
Step 7 : Using Step 4 paste that copied path here and enter ,
So it looks like this C:Userschintan > cd C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_25bin
Enter , so that will switch to new location. So now you should be here C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_25bin >_
Step 8 : Now start from here ,
keytool -export -alias myAlias (set alias name any)
Generate Hash Key Android Application Facebook Pc
C:Userschintan.androiddebug.keystore,(Get your Debug key store path and append after alias )
sha1 -binary
(Get your openssl path and append after keystore path separate with '|') 8.3C:openssl-0.9.8k_WIN32binopenssl enc -a -e (append with '|')
So , whole URL should looks like ,
Generate Key Hash Android Facebook
Step 9 : Enter if you are ready to get Hash Key 🙂